

Scriva at the insights-x 2023

Scriva would like to thank all business partners for the constructive discussions at Insights-X 2023 in Nuremberg. We look forward to continuing our cooperation. It is simply the best trade fair in the industry - at the best time.


Friedrich Mayer

10th anniversary of the day of death of Friedrich Mayer who passed away on September 11, 2013, at the age of 85.

Friedrich Mayer was in the international stationery business since 1953 and the mental founder of today's Scriva GmbH. He was a great person who gave us inspiration and tireless support. We are thankful that he always helped us with words and deeds. We miss him a lot and always keep him in a due lasting momento.


Scriva at the Paperworld 2020

We were there. That's it for now. There is no more Paperworld in Frankfurt.   |   Copyright © 2007 by Scriva   |   CMS WEBN!X 3.6 by sign of renitence